"Las obras de Dios se forman poco a poco".

Madre Bernarda Morin.

Fundación Bernarda Morin


Móvil +56 9 3578 1498 (solo en horario de 09:00 a 13:30 hrs.).


Terranova 140, Providencia, Santiago, Chile.

Fundación Bernarda Morin


Móvil +56 9 3578 1498 (solo en horario de 09:00 a 13:30 hrs.).


Terranova 140, Providencia, Santiago, Chile.

Hogar de Ancianas San José

Ubicado en Recoleta, este Hogar de adultos mayores recibe a mujeres de más 60 años.

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Todas las obras

Jardín Infantil Providencia

Ubicado en Valparaíso, este jardín infantil entrega cobertura a más de 270 párvulos.

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Todas las obras

Hogar de Ancianas Providencia

Ubicado en Valparaíso, este hogar atiende a una media de 26 mujeres de la tercera edad.

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Todas las obras

Jardín Infantil Bernarda Morin

Ubicado en Limache, este jardín infantil atiende a 47 niñas y niños de Pre-Escolar.

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Todas las obras

We are London based school

Our purpose is to provide a safe, happy environment for your child, where they are able to be themselves and thrive; foundation needed to achieve their goals in life.

Provide a safe, happy environment for your child, where they are able to be themselves and thrive.

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If you are interested in finding a place for your child, please

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Faculty Staff

Our purpose is to provide a safe, happy environment for your

Smart Girl Ready to Answer Question

School District

Click on the PDF link below for a full list of our school fees.

Smart Girl Ready to Answer Question


Our purpose is to provide a safe, happy environment for your child.

Smart Girl Ready to Answer Question


Where they are able to be themselves foundation needed.

Smart Girl Ready to Answer Question

School Fee

Happy environment for your child, where they are able.

School Library

The student and teacher handbooks

Bus Schedule

The theme is carried over into family

School Calendar

All students had to bring at least.

" The Education of Tomorrow, Rooted in Tradition Invite You "

Our purpose is to provide a safe, happy environment for your child, where they are able to be themselves and thrive; while acquiring the educational foundation needed to achieve

Class Schedule

More information on athletic programs and becoming a student.

Summer Program

Stay informed and up to date for athletics, with the latest news.

School Library

A place where we hope inspire and create long love of reading.

Athletic Programs

More information on athletic programs and becoming a athlete.

Registration Information

Our school enjoys a rich and thriving best students experience.


In case you run into any questions, check out FAQ information.

School News

Information for teachers and students, parenting information and education news

Want to be an intern with us and you are a student?

Ut rutrum tincidunt justo convallis dignissim. Proin maximus sagittis tempor. Vivamus ornare ligula nec lacus cursus, quis faucibus leo gravida.

Frequently Asked Questions

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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Make an Appointment

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    Information for teachers and students, parenting information and education news